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Vacation Complex “Babushkin Sad”

Vacation Complex “Babushkin Sad”

  • Address:Sadovaya Street, 2 , Mriya village
  • Метро:Out of town
  • Время работы: 24h
  • Тип:Restaurant complex
  • Cuisine:Home cuisine, Eastern , European , Ukrainian cuisine
  • Average bill: Over 250

Бронь по телефону

Menu : 180 dishes (Сумма минимального заказа на доставку 100)


Portion: 250 г.
Price Cost
85 грн 85 грн
to basket

Description of the institution Vacation Complex “Babushkin Sad”

Country recreation complex “Babushkin Sad” - is the European standard service complex.
Convenient location, excellent professional service and a wide range of services make the
complex one of the best town centers for recreation and entertainment, business meetings,
conferences, corporate and private events, seminars and television projects, family and
everyday events. “Babushkin Sad” proposes space for weddings, banquets, shows, private and
corporate parties. Complex offers a wide range of services for any type of events, from a florist
till entertainers for children.
The complex "Babushkin Sad" is the best for romantic getaway, and comfort of the highest
standards, European standard hotel contains of chosen exclusive interior design and specially
designated zones for requests : banquet, corporate, summer terrace, park for walks,
entertainment area. Service in the fresh air from early spring to late autumn, the restaurant
offers a summer terrace with fountains and stylish garden furniture. Garden houses are located
throughout the complex, you will find a nice warm and cozy atmosphere with live music, which
is an integral part of the best rest. The complex has its own farm, which will surprise you with
excellent pets - rabbits, pigs, goats and birds. Also, for fans of healthy recreation complex offers
to visit a real Russian bath, after which you can dip in a cool pool or go fishing

The complex has:

The complex has:

Wooden cottages
Summer show-room with open-air kitchen and terrace
Country house for banquets
Garden houses
Russian bath
The spa complex: two swimming pools, a gym, a spa room
Conference Halls
Fish pond
Farm with pets
Guarded parking


"Babushkin Sad" is located in the forest area. In addition to the hotel cottages are situated for
the guests’ willing to prolong their staying in the great place.
Complex guarantees the security and privacy of its guests. 29 cozy rooms are always ready to
receive guests. Here warm colors presents, the atmosphere of harmony and peace. Each room
has a telephone, television, refrigerator, air conditioning, and all the bit things are important
for short and long stays. All rooms are equipped with electronic locks with magnetic card to the
front door, which provides security and easy use.
Hotel - 29 rooms
Cottages -32 wooden houses of one sitting room with fire-place and two bathrooms

Conference halls.
Trainings. Seminars

If you plan to hold negotiations, conferences, seminars, trainings – we provide you the full
complex of professional service in arranging and keeping the events of such types.

Big conference hall:
Seats at the tables – 60-70
All seats – only chairs – 100-120
Video projector 1024 x 768
Screen – 2,5 x 2,0 m
Flip chart “ Mobil chart” – 2,0 x 1,0 m

There is the possibility to order of any type of conference equipments.

Small conference hall:
Seats at the tables – 20
All seats – chairs – 30
Screen – 2,5 x 2,- m
Flip chart - 2x3
Coffee- break time
Lunch time (business lunch) and dinner time

Business events of different types, in different capacity and configuration of
conference rooms.

- the original design of the halls
- system - climate control
- video and office projection
-screen stereo system
- function of theater

Catering. Restaurant.

The restaurant "Babushkin Sad" presents culinary hits of the different countries, but most of
all - nearly all of Ukrainian home cooking. And the most seemingly simple dishes made ​here
with true craftsmanship. The bar menu offers a great selection of drinks and cocktails, fresh-
squeezed juices. Especially popular are home-made drinks, including alcohol. Modern and
perfect interior design of the restaurant space contains of a quiet restaurant in a spacious room
for a busy family and corporate events. The hall visually is divided into three zones.

From the earlier spring till the late autumn the restaurant offers open-air service – at the
summer terrace with the fountain in the centre.
Also there are many big garden houses around where you can retire with your company far
away from the main restaurant. The garden house can hold of 25 persons.

The summer terrace is for 300 seats.

Leisure and entertainment

Table tennis
Shooting range

The best way to relax, check your shooting abilities and compete with friends!
We offer: pneumatic rifle, crossbow, pneumatic gun with laser scope, revolver with Flober bullets

Leisure and entertainment

Laser tag – interactive laser battle is available for playing as outdoor as indoor. You can get
amazing emotions and impressions holding the real battles with friends!

Paintball – the game offers to relax and free the negative emotions, aggression in the game
with easy rules. The adrenaline ejection makes feel oneself as the thriller hero or super agent
after the game parts. And at the same time there is no matter how old you are and what your
shape is, the paintball is universal, the only thing the player needs to play is the wish. (the field
is situated at the complex territory).

Paintball at buggies – the unique connection of adrenaline from speed with the game in
paintball and strategy of battle actions!
Exciting, active, energetic game attracts everybody!
The driver and the shooter – the best team!

Volleyball (volleyball field)
Mini Soccer

Leisure and entertainment

Russian bath
Steam with the combination of flavor tinctures and oils, fragrance of good broom, broom
massage, herbal teas create really blest atmosphere where you easily forget about all the
You feel as baby after the bath! If you get all the bath charms you will always care for it!

The bath includes:
- steam room
- room with hay
- room with font
- rest room with the fire-place and TV

Capacity max – 8 persons
The price includes:
• Cooking of healing “ tasty steam” in the steam room with fresh needles using, hay from the summer
herbals, beer, sea salt and ester oils of fragrance plants.
• The first hot broom heating during three minutes
• 4 sets of bath accessories ( hat, slippers, tower, sheets)
• Fragrant herbal tea (1litre)and saucer with honey

Additional service:
-set of bath accessories
-heating of fire-place ( 1 faggot of firewood)
-saucer with honey

Bath procedures:

• Broom healing at the bath shelf rubbing the body with birch broom ( brooms
• Scrab with mustard and honey : body rubbing with honey, salt mixture, mustard powder and fresh
beer of old-slavonic method
• Body soap-birch cleaning using the birch broom and healing at the bath shelf with sheets
• Relaxing health legs healing in the box with salt

• health, sport and half-sport ( 45 min)
• head (10 min)
• legs (15 min)

Leisure and entertainment


Are you still dreaming of go fishing without crossing forests and fields in searching for the
best biting? There is always biting in our pond! And also our chef will cook your catch for your

Leisure and entertainment

Karaoke – one of the useful type of rest when you can have fun in the company of your friends
in the evening.
Singing – in one of the activity helps to relax and rise your mood as it frees oneself of stress and
loads with positive emotions.
Resting with karaoke – is unforgettable!

Walking in a balloon – do not deny yourself in pleasure to see the beauty of Ukrainian nature
from the bird sight height! Walking in a balloon – remains only good memories. You feel
extreme and bright emotions taking the walk in a air balloon.

Walking at horse-drawn carriage – the unity with nature and good mood – the things you
get while walking at carriage in park zone of” Babushkin Sad”. Fruit trees, pine forest and bird
singing! The rest for real gourmet!

There is the farm with pets at the territory of the complex. You can visit it and feed little
animals: pigs, goats, sheep, cows, horses, rabbits, hens, turkeys and many other ones.

Family leisure. Entertainment for children.

Children playground
Game room
Riding a donkey
Riding a led car
Riding a bicycle
Riding a scooter
Children’s menu
Organization of children’s events

Entertainment of any types, developing games, non-ordinary and interesting leisure - for our little
We offer to celebrate in special way:

Automobile party – to get the certificate of real racer and drive at Big Piston Cup.
Sweet party – at the candies party
Amazing party – to hunt with the camera
Mystery party – in the ancient castle at the princess’ ball
Dynamic party – at the undeniable Olympics with parents
Secret party – as the real spies
Fashion party –the participant in vanguard show and photo sessions
Learning party – at the master classes
Cocktails party – open your barman skills
Interactive party – with favorite cartoon heroes
Non standard way of celebrations of Happy Birthday, teaching-trivial family programs, active
role quests, theme parties, festivals.

Celebrations and theme nights.
Corporates. Banquets. Event service.

We opened the two big banquet halls for those who keeps this life style with both capacity of 100
Weddings, Birthdays, Child’s birth, Corporate event or any other celebrations you can hold at our
complex “Babushkin Sad”.
To make your celebration more interesting and bright not only for your guests but you we offer our
help in the organization.
Our complex proposes such service as: presenter, animators, musicians, music, decoration,
entertainment, transfer, offsite ceremonies and many other services for making you the best memories
of these days.
Also we can help you to compose menu including all our tastes and wishes!

In your service:

Restaurant – for 50 persons ( stand-up 100 persons)
Banquet hall #1 – for 80 persons ( stand-up 120 persons)
Banquet hall #2 – for 100 persons ( stand-up 150 persons)
Heated garden houses – for 20 persons each ( stand-up 35 persons)
We can organize the any type of events in one breath, unobtrusively, funny, interesting, romantic and

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Рекомендуется для:
  • Banquets and corporate parties (1)
  • Birthday (1)
  • Children's holiday (1)
  • Family dinner
  • Business Lunch
  • Wedding (1)
как отписаться от смс ресторании, пробовал по разному не получается, уже просто надоели спамят своими смс не по детски?
Уважаемый Олег, напишите Ваш контактный телефон и мы уберем его со списка рассылки
гість ресторану
Декілька раз відвідувала цей ресторан і все подобалось. Враження кардинально зіпсувалось після нещодавнього проведення бенкету. Офіціанти не обслуговували належно сам бенкет: не наливали напої гостям ВЗАГАЛІ, брудні тарілки протягом бенкету під гаряче також не змінювались, і навіть на десерт ніхто їх не замінив!Воду на стіл при спеці у залі та відсутності кондиціонування ніхто не доставляв, і лише коли один з гостей САМ пішов просити у офіціанта доставити воду отримав відповідь, що вона закінчилась, хоча після подальшої розмови "знайшлось" ще три блоки води, яка була попередньо куплена. Те ж саме зі спиртним-офіціанти нахабно брехали про кількість спиртного, що залишилось і лише після розбирання ситуації знаходилось іще декілька пляшок. Гарячі страви виносились із затримкою. Самі страви при подачі виглядали жалюгідно маленькими-ми не зважували, але на око було зрозуміло, що порція зменшена, до прикладу замість 6 штук голубців-4 іт.д. Сам комплекс виглядає настільки симптично, що досі перебуваю у повному розчаруванні, що його обрала для бенкету-відверта брехня персоналу і відсутність належного рівня обслуговування склали одне враження-у комплекса є одне бажання-нагріти гостей чи замовників на чому можливо, і це дуже неприємно, тим більше коли сума бенкету немаленька. Нікому не раджу організовувати бенкет у цьому ресторані, вас банально обберуть де буде можливо.
Добрый день, решила отписаться в отношении комплекса, когда увидела комментарии «негативных» оттенков. Я довольно часто заезжаю сюда, не просто на банкет, но и покушать в выходной день. Не раз проводили и заказывали тут банкет, праздновали детские именины. Конечно, возникали недоразумения по ходу пьесы, но чтобы столь ужасно и непрофессионально в плане обслуживания – никогда такого не было Я не оспариваю тот факт, что такое имело место, в силу того, что у каждого заведения «свои заморочки» - и персонал меняют, и администратор не улыбается. Этого везде полно, но как правило, я выбирала всегда это место ( безусловно территория и уют) и по ценовой политике. Для того, чтобы все нравилось комфорт и кухня, а особенно стоимость – наверное ,следует еще поискать места в центре города, тут же – меня устраивает все – и качество блюд и особенно цена и атмосфера. Как для загородного комплекса с такой территорией - очень душевная и спокойная атмосфера. Я понимаю, ситуации бывают разные, и скорее всего вы не во время не акцентировали внимание на «недоработке» персонала, для этого существует администратор или управляющий. Но как для одного раза – то вам следует попробовать еще раз и изменить свое мнение. Просто обидно, что такое место и так вышло! Надеюсь обойдется!
Здравствуйте,очень понравился Ваш ресторанный комплекс.Я представляю собой Ивент компанию.Хочу предложить Вам сотрудничество.Благодарю.
Бабушкин сад
Присылайте Ваше предложение на адрес [email protected]

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