Device Club Restaurant & Karaoke Hall
- Address:
Bogdana Khmelnitskogo 31/27
- Subway:Universytet, Taeatral'na, Zoloti Vorota
- Time of work: 24h
- Type:Restaurant
- Cuisine:European , Ukrainian cuisine
- Average bill: 750 - 1000
Бронь по телефону
(044) 22-333-22, (066) 078-76-36
10:00 - 21:00
Описание заведения Device Club Restaurant & Karaoke Hall
Device Club – a restaurant with a decade of history and rich culinary traditions. Nice atmosphere, impeccable service and most importantly – a great author's cuisine draws visitors to enjoy every minute spent in this place...
The quality of the restaurant and confirm his awards: Device Club has the honorary title of international gourmet club TUCC for the impeccable service and innovation in the field of culinary arts and also received the highest awards in the categories of "Author's cuisine" and "Best kitchen of Kiev".
Fans of musical pleasures – a special surprise. Features ultra karaoke room, equipped with high-tech sound system.
For negotiations, meetings and companies who want to relax in a narrow circle, the restaurant offers a separate soundproof room.
The restaurant Device Club is a Mecca for gourmets who prefer the best holiday.