Grill Do Brasil
- Address:
Boulevard of Lesya Ukrainka 24
- Subway:Pechers'ka
- Time of work: Mon - Fri: 12:00 - 23:00, Sat : 14:00 - 23:00, Sun: 14:00 - 21:00
- Type:Restaurant
- Cuisine:Vegetarian cuisine, Mixed cuisine, Brazilian cuisine, Mediterranean cuisine , European , Japanese
- Average bill: 500 - 750
Бронь по телефону
(044) 22-333-22, (066) 078-76-36
10:00 - 21:00
Описание заведения Grill Do Brasil
In the old days, Gauchos strung * Large pieces of meat on a spit and slowly roasted them over an open fire.
In Grill do Brasil, we keep the tradition of cooking meat and culture of doping in style Rodizio, which is over 300 years old.
Rodizio, or "eat all you want" - is the most popular tradition of service in Brazil, which has conquered Europe and America.
Guests enjoy Kayperiney, good wine, hot cheese bread, appetizers and side dishes, salad bar, while Gaucho chef - make nonstop round and round the room, offering different deli meats (veal, lamb, pork, chicken, sausage) .
All you have to do is choose and have fun!
- Romantic dinner (8)
- Banquets and corporate parties (7)
- Birthday (9)
- Children's Party (2)
- Family dinner (14)
- Business meeting (6)
- Business Lunch (7)
- Hang (7)
- Wedding (1)