Restaurant-estate- Address:
Gorodskaya Street 2A
- Subway:Out of town, Akademmistechko, Mins'ka
- Time of work: 11:00 - 02:00
- Type:Restaurant
- Cuisine:Home cuisine, European , Caucasian cuisine, Ukrainian cuisine
- Average bill: 250 - 500
Бронь по телефону
(044) 22-333-22, (066) 078-76-36
10:00 - 21:00
Name and composition: | Portion: | Price: |
Описание заведения Okolitsa, Restaurant-estate
Restaurant-estate "Okolitsa" - cozy nook on the edge of the capital (entrance from Akademgorodok, Minska). We combined the natural beauty of pine wood with the wonders of landscape design. Our green lawns, bright yellow and so native flowers (chernobrivtsy), gurgling fountains and honey aroma wooden houses will not leave anyone cold. Our summer terrace full of life. In the evenings there is live music and karaoke here. And during the big football are noisy and hot broadcast on big screens around the perimeter.
We are preparing the most delicious and most native heart dishes. Rich grill menu, the best European cuisine and Italian dishes, light salads from our gardens, the divine «salo», and our pride - the banquet menu for large companies, which will be your pride of the your guests.
Of particular relevance to our youngest guests. Children's events, master classes in modeling, shaking dolls, drawing, sports events is particularly funny. Even the children's menu was developed by kids. In each dish enclosed children's efforts, passionate effort and imagination kids. And, of course, the kids were preparing that presentation in the children's "perfectly tasty dish."
- Banquets and corporate parties (2)
- Birthday (2)
- Wedding (2)
- Romantic dinner (2)
- Family dinner (2)
- Business Lunch (1)
- Business meeting (1)
- Children's Party (1)
- Hang (1)
- Broadcasts (1)