Ruthenian Club “Cult Ra”
- Address:
st. Volodymyrska, 4
- Subway:Poshtova Ploshcha, Maidan Nezalezhnosti
- Time of work: 10:00 - 23:00
- Type:Restaurant complex
- Cuisine:Author's cuisine , Vegetarian cuisine, Home cuisine, Ukrainian cuisine, Local
- Average bill: 100 - 250
Бронь по телефону
10:00 - 21:00
Описание заведения Ruthenian Club “Cult Ra”
“A man is know by the food he eats” —the old wisdom says. If the deep philosophical message isn’t taken into account, so we will find out the strong connection between the food we consume and the way we look and feel.The trend on the organic products and healthy food becoms more and more popular all over the world. Nowadays every third European tends to eat only ecologically pure products that influence of his or her general state and future life.
Ruthenian club-restaurant “Kult Ra” is one of the first Ukrainian establishments that consciously popularizes healthy way of life that is why our dishes are made out of organic food of the best quality grown on the native land.
So taste our delicate dishes and take care of your oun and your family health with us!
- Business Lunch (4)
- Romantic dinner (2)
- Banquets and corporate parties (2)
- Birthday (2)
- Hang out (2)
- Children's holiday (1)
- Family Dinner (2)
- Business meeting (3)
- Wedding (1)